Der Posterpreis zeichnet die besten Poster-Präsentationen im Rahmen der jährlichen Frühjahresversammlungen aus.
1. Posterpreis
Development and Evaluation of a Reusable, Force Measuring Tool for Accurate Robotics-Assisted Insertion of Cochlear Implant Electrode Arrays
Beat Sarbach, Philipp Aebischer, Stefan Weder, Georgios Mantokoudis, Marco Caversaccio, Lukas Anschütz; Bern
2. Posterpreis
Long-term Night-to-Night Variability of Sleep Disor-dered Breathing using a Radar-based Home Sleep Apnea Testing: A Prospective Cohort Study
Samuel Tschopp, Urs Borner, Marco Caversaccio, Kurt Tschopp; Bern; Liestal
1. Posterpreis
mTORC2 signaling regulates auditory hair cell structure and function
Maurizio Cortada, Soledad Levano, Michael Hall, Daniel Bodmer | Basel
2. Posterpreis
Acute tracheal cannula occlusion in children, another option than emergency decannulation?
Timothy Mathieson, Frank Hof, Hélène Cao Van | Genève
1. Posterpreis
Three-dimensional temporal bone and middle ear computer model based on high-resolution cone beam computed tomography
Ayhan Irem, Alexander Huber, Christof Röösli, Lorenz Epprecht I Zürich
Zweiter 1. Posterpreis
Extracellular vesicles and their potential as diagnostic biomarker in HNSCC
Hannes Brandt, Lukas Schmid, Michael Schlumpf, Laura Benecke, Veronika Gajdos, Mali Coray, Laurent Muller I Basel
1. Posterpreis
Potential role of FDG-PET in preoperative assessment of primary salivary gland malignancies.
Sevda Karimian, Martina Broglie-Däppen, Niels Rupp, Martin Hullner, Sandra Freiberger, Gregoire Morand | Zürich
Zweiter 1. Posterpreis
Processing undecalcified human temporal bones for otopathology research using a new methyl methacrylate resin.
David Bächinger, Sabina Wunderlin, Nora Weiss, Heiko Richter, Brigitte von Rechenberg, Adrian Dalbert, Andreas H. Eckhard | Zürich
1. Preis für das Beste Poster
Neutrophil-to-Lymphocyte Ratio and Metabolic Markers of Nodal Metastases Predict Outcome in Head and Neck Cancer Before Chemoradiation
J. Werner, K. Strobel, D. Lehnick, G. Rajan | Luzern
Zweiter Posterpreis
Repositioning manoeuvres for BPPV treatment: Moving in the exact plane matters
C. Götting, I. Steiger, D. Obrist, M. Caversaccio, S. Lynn Hool, M. Morrison, G. Mantokoudis | Bern
Dritter Posterpreis
Radiologic features of temporal bones in Meniere’s patients with different endolymphatic sac pathologies
D. Bächinger, N. Filidoro, M. Naville, N. Juchler, B. Schuknecht, J. B. Nadol, A. Eckhard | Zürich, CH; Massachusetts, US
1. Preis für das Beste Poster
Die altersbedingte Atrophie des rechten Planum temporale beeinflusst die Verarbeitung von spektralen Informationen der Sprache
B. Isler, Zürich
Zweiter 1. Posterpreis
Beneficial or deleterious roles of macrophages/microglia in endolymphatic sac pathologies associated with Meniere’s disease
D Bächinger, JB Nadol, JC Adams, AH Eckhard; Zürich, CH; Boston (USA)
Preisträger von 2010 bis 2018
- Preisträger von 2010 bis 2018 [120 KB]